Big Things in a Small Town - Casey, Illinois

16ft 8in Length | 5ft Height
A part of Jim Bolin's end goal for the Big Things project is to help not only Casey, but neighboring towns as well. At one time, there was a lot of traffic on The National Road that connected Casey to Marshall. The construction of Interstate 70 caused many small towns along the old route to suffer economically. The tourism created by the World Record items have given Casey a second chance, and Jim would love to see a revitalization of other communities through tourism. He believes that we are stronger together. In the spirit of this idea, the World's Largest Gavel was placed at the courthouse in Marshall. The Gavel is not the first project to join our neighboring communities together, and the hope is that we will continue to work together so that visitors will want to experience all that Clark County has to offer.
But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.